Faith Leaders Wanted!

Join Hands with COURAGE: A Warm Invite to Faith Leaders for a Noble Cause

Hey there, wonderful community members!

Today, we are reaching out with a heart full of hope and hands extended for support in our mission called COURAGE. Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a challenge that has touched many lives in our peaceful counties of Campbell, Claiborne, Cocke, Granger, Jefferson, Scott, and Union. Amidst this, the role of faith leaders in guiding and nurturing those affected is like a soothing balm, a ray of sunshine in the grey skies.

We, at COURAGE, are excited to announce a beautiful initiative called Faith Leaders Overcoming Opioids in the Community (FLOC). It’s all about coming together, learning, supporting, and weaving a safety net of care and recovery for our fellow members affected by SUD.

We are reaching out to all the warm-hearted faith leaders in our communities who are keen to learn more about SUD and want to extend their support to those in need. By being a part of FLOC, you’ll be the beacon of hope, the safe haven for individuals striving to overcome the challenges and rebuild their lives.

Now, here’s the cherry on top! This is a 4-month program and guess what? A little thank you awaits you in the form of a $500 stipend upon completion. It’s a small gesture for the huge impact you would be creating in the lives of many.

Getting on board is as simple as a call or an email. Reach out to the kind-hearted Marta Cogburn at First United Methodist Church, Newport at or the friendly Kyle Prichard at The Hill Church, Claiborne at They are eagerly waiting to welcome you into this noble cause.

Let’s make our community a sanctuary of hope, recovery, and unconditional support. This journey of kindness is bound to leave our hearts fuller and our communities stronger.

Our world is a little brighter with you in it. So, will you join hands with COURAGE and be the ripple of change we all need?

Your involvement could be the beacon of hope someone desperately needs. Let’s create a beautiful chapter of recovery and support together. See you on board!