Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Rural East Tennessee

By Fostering Healthy, Safe, and Secure Communities


New Opportunities!

East Tennessee Rural Health Consortium Meeting


October 18th, 1-3pm EST

Our next East Tennessee Rural Health Consortium Meeting will focus on reducing stigma related to SUD, OUD, and mental health challenges. This meeting will take place virtually on October 18th from 1-3pm EST.

Faith Leaders Wanted!

Join Hands with COURAGE: A Warm Invite to Faith Leaders for a Noble Cause Hey there, wonderful community members! Today, we are reaching out with … Read more

University of Tennessee, Knoxville publication features ETRHC and COURAGE

August 28th, 2024

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Research, Innovation & Economic Development’s publication highlighted ETRHC and COURAGE’s community projects addressing opioid use disorder in rural communities. Our very own Jennifer Tourville, Tyler Melton, and Laurie Meschke are featured in this publication. We would like to thank all of our community partners because your support makes this possible.

Watch Consortium Meeting Recording!

A big thank you to all who attended and participated in our most recent consortium meeting!

If you were unable to attend but want to learn more about adolescent substance use and recovery, please access the link to the meeting recording here

Current Newsletter Published!

Our Summer 2024 newsletter on adolescent substance use and recovery has been published! Click here to read.

Digital Stories
of Opioid Use Disorder

Mallie’s Story

Mallie’s Story is that of a young mother misusing prescription painkillers.
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Ron’s Story

Ron’s Story follows the journey of a man who began using drugs at the age of 15
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April’s Story

April is a young mother whose life was turned upside-down by opioid misuse and addiction.
Read More

Upcoming Events

Have an event you would like to add?
Email us at


Faith Leaders Wanted!

COURAGE is currently looking for faith leaders in Campbell, Claiborne, Cocke, Granger, Jefferson, Scott or Union Counties interested in learning about the impact of substance use disorder (SUD) in their community to help better support those impacted.

By becoming a part of COURAGE Faith Leaders Overcoming Opioids in the Community (FLOC),  they can support and nurture those affected by SUD and learn ways to incorporate recovery support in their faith communities.

This is a 4-month program that includes a $500 stipend upon completion. To get involved, contact Marta Cogburn (First United Methodist Church, Newport) at or Kyle Prichard (The Hill Church, Claiborne) at


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